What do you have in your hands?

Every day is a chance to do something new. I know I sound a little bit cliché but some truths never get too boring to be said. We often never get what we want to make what we feel we need; seems life just throws us the wrong ingredients for the right soup. The beauty…

Lets talk fear

I’ve been meaning to write this for a while now, but it keep slipping my mind. At a study group recently, we had to talk about our fears and it became clear that many of us had uncertainties, fears and doubts. To speak more specifically, the fears of many young people were related to issues…

From Whom Do You Get Your Validation?

  It is almost two years since I was at a particular event. The opening words of one of the speakers really struck me. She narrated how she was able to stand even when it seemed no one understood and how it all paid off. Hers was an inspiring story but although her words were…

Not Too Late To Name

Speaking with someone the other day, I learnt that with the new year, there are still a lot of us who are yet to draw up plans for the year. Don’t look startled! Things happen and we often spend time pondering on who we are meant to be and we don’t look at what we…

Bear My Burden

So I noticed that my last few posts were on talking to God. Truth is we can never undermine the place of prayer. We draw strength in the place of prayer. We talk to our Father through prayer. We communicate mysteries in prayer. Something happened over the weekend that brought tears to the whole nation….


I look back on how I thought things would change sharply in February. We are in the first weeks in April and things look pretty the same to me. The days don’t seem enough and I can barely get enough sleep at night. I pitched to a few websites, got picked and still couldn’t find…


It’s not the first time I’d shut down everything to concentrate. Not that I do it often but it’s needed when I don’t feel prepared enough. The good news is that I’m back and God! I learnt a lot. It took so much will power to not come typing away. There is a day we’d…

17 Things I Learnt From 2017

2017 was awesome in it’s way and I must confess God has been Faithful. I’ve seen Him wrought miracles in me and in those around me. Just as someone said a long time ago; “there is always something to learn in all we go through. The faster you learn what God desires you to know,…

So It’s December!

Right! So I made it to December again this year. I’m so glad to see you all here. There is just something about December that sparks joy in everyone’s heart. The whole excitement of the coming holiday and Christmas! Yes Christmas! This is one big celebration that shakes the whole world (as it should) Quite…


I literally ran home to get this written down. I waited all week to have the perfect expression to use to convey what had been on my mind. Say things got really tied up, notes piled up, I became overly busy and I was unable to finish this earlier than I expected. Maybe it’s me…